
If you would like to request more information about a particular reference, find out how to purchase our products or clarify any doubts about PRODERPHARMACARE® and our ranges, please fill out the form, and we will respond as quickly as possible.

You can also obtain more information at Legal notice.

Thanks for your interest in our products.


PGS Cleaning S.L.
Paseo Sanllehy 64
08213 Polinyà, BCN – Spain

Tel: +34 634 224 019 ·


Responsible: PGS Cleaning S.L. +info
Purpose: sending commercial documentation information, blog subscriptions and moderation management. +info
Legitimacy: consent of the person concerned.
Addressees: other Spanish companies collaborating with PGS Cleaning S.L.
Rights: the user has the right of access, modification and deletion of the data provided, as well as other rights as detailed in +info
Further information: entities or companies collaborating with PGS Cleaning S.L. +info

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