Personal hygiene in nursing homes

Good personal hygiene of users and workers in nursing homes keeps infections and possible skin diseases at bay.
Personal hygiene in nursing homes is a way to avoid sequential infections between patients and professional staff.

Personal hygiene in nursing homes.

Personal hygiene and hand disinfection, play a fundamental role in physical contact with vulnerable people. Certainly, we often neglect our safety and personal care, which is why RPRODERPHARMACARE® wants to talk about the importance of good hygiene for users and technical staff. The aim is to minimise sequential infections between patients and possible skin pathologies.

The elderly are at increased risk of infections, due to physiological changes of ageing, deterioration of the immune system and sometimes poor nutrition. In Spain, the infections associated with geriatrics, the prevalence of healthcare range from 5.8 to 38.5%. Hand washing antisepsis and contact precautions are essential measures to minimise the risk of infection. (Data from ‘Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología’).


Anciano asistido por Sanitario en blog sobre la higiene personal en residencias

A user may be in a nursing home for various reasons. The reduced mobility, loss of cognitive abilities, and need for continuous care, among others. Whatever the reason, the patient will be in a vulnerable situation, so the main objective is to offer the most pleasant stay possible.

This does not only mean providing a good food service, quality of facilities, or care but also requires daily care to keep the user as healthy as possible, including the skin. An aspect that sometimes is forgotten, but it makes the difference between good and bad health.

For example, a user may have skin problems, wounds, sores or other inconveniences after many hours of stretching or sitting. For this reason, it is essential that basic personal hygiene is excellent and with quality products.

  • Apply cosmetic quality products that are pH neutral and can be used continuously without damaging or sensitising the skin. On the other hand, using products that are pleasant to touch and smell will improve the user experience.

  • If the shower is daily, it should be carried out meticulously and without neglecting any area and using specific products for hair and body. Finally, use a good moisturising cream that restores the skin and recovers its hydrolipidic barrier.

  • By following good hygiene and hydration, we will avoid irritation and dryness of the skin and improve the user’s well-being.
Ancia después de la ducha con productos dermatológicos PRODERPHARMACARE


A care home worker spends many hours in continuous contact with users, and sometimes, routine means that self-care and self-protection take a back seat. For the worker, it will be vital to have a hand hygiene routine, bearing in mind that the dirt that a worker faces has nothing to do with the dirt that someone who works in an office can face. In nursing homes, staff will be in contact with fluids from users, which are often the result of some pathology, so we must never forget individual protection.

Higiene de manos en el baño con productos dermatológicos PRODERPHARMACARE.

Our recommendations...

We recommend using chlorhexidine products in an adequate percentage for skin antisepsis. It avoids possible nosocomial infections and prevents contagion between residents and technical staff. They can also be used continuously without any danger of damaging the dermis. These products are recommended for:

  • Hygienic skin washing.
  • Healthy skin antisepsis.
  • Disinfection and hygiene of the skin of
    bedridden residents.
  • Hygiene and disinfection of feet.
  • Daily hand hygiene.

Likewise, we recommend a hand washing protocol before and after contact in each action carried out. As well as the use of protective equipment is considered necessary. Likewise, the registered hydroalcoholic antiseptic use provides a higher degree of disinfectant and therefore a higher level of protection. 


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Carles Gorchs
Author: Carles Gorchs