Preventing skin cancer

At work, guarantee your safety with healthy, protected skin. We give you the keys to preventing skin cancer in the workplace.
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Your skin is your shield. Protect it every day.

The skin is the human body’s largest organ. It protects from heat, cold, sunlight, injury and possible infections. For this reason, it is vitally important to give it the attention it deserves and to apply corrective measures and preventive habits in the workplace to prevent skin cancer.

n this context, skin cancer is one of the main concerns in the workplace., especially for those exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation and outdoor workers.

PRODERPHARMACARE® gives you the keys to protect and care your skin with preventive tips that we believe are essential for health and safety at work.

A serious public health issue.

Skin cancer is by far the most common of all cancers. Although precise statistics on the incidence of skin cancer directly attributable to the work environment in Spain are not available, various studies and data provide an overview of the situation:

Trabajadores trabajando en el exterior en un día soleado, fotografía de refuerzo para la entrada Prevenir el cáncer de piel.
Imagen de refuerzo con trabajador en consulta y carcinoma cutánea visible para la entrada Prevenir el cáncer de piel.

General incidence of skin cancer in Spain: according to the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV), more than 78,000 new cases of skin cancer are diagnosed annually in Spain. It’s expected that by 2040 melanoma will become the second tumour in global incidence and the first in men.

Mortality from melanoma: data from Statista indicate that in 2022, approximately 1,011 people died in Spain due to malignant melanomas of the skin.

Occupational exposure and risk: a study published in SciELO, Spain highlights that outdoor workers in southern Spain are at high risk of developing skin cancer due to overexposure to solar UV radiation, classified as a human type I carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).

Data was taken from satisfaction surveys, market research and consultancy firms.

Occupational skin cancer.

Skin cancer develops due to prolonged exposure to risk factors related to the work environment, such as ultraviolet (UV) radiation, chemicals or carcinogenic substances present in some jobs. The most common types of skin cancer in this context include basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma. The most common risk factors in the workplace are:

  • Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation: Workers who spend a lot of time outdoors, such as farmers, fishermen, builders, gardeners, or construction workers, are at increased risk due to direct exposure to the sun. In this respect, UV radiation is a determining factor that damages skin cells.
  • Chemicals and toxic substances: Some workers handle chemicals, such as certain solvents, pesticides, asbestos and tar. These carcinogenic substances also increase the risk of skin cancer.
  • Working conditions: factors such as clothes kinds, protection lack or working conditions that increase contact with hazardous products are also serious factors.

Keys to correct skin protection.

Prevention of occupational skin cancer is key and includes sunscreen use, protective clothing, sunglasses, and reducing exposure to the sun during hours of high radiation. In addition, medical surveillance and education about occupational risks are essential for early detection and treatment. In addition to these basic actions, we recommend;

Imagen de operario aplicando protector solar DERMATEC SPF 50+ para la entrada Prevenir el cáncer de piel.
Imagen de operario hidratado y prtegido para la entrada Prevenir el cáncer de piel.
Imagen de revisión médica y análisis de la piel para la entrada Prevenir el cáncer de piel.
1. Daily use of sunscreen.

Applying sunscreen with an SPF 50+ protection factor is essential to avoid the harmful effects of ultraviolet (UV) rays. It is advisable to spread it every two hours or after sweating or wetting the skin.

2. Suitable clothing and accessories.

Wearing long-sleeved clothing, hats and sunglasses with UV filters helps to minimise direct exposure to the sun. UV-protective fabrics provide an additional barrier against solar radiation.

3. Avoid exposure during critical hours.

The sun’s rays are most intense between 10:00 and 16:00. Whenever possible, it is recommended to seek shade during this period and to reduce time in the sun.

4. Constant hydration.

Keeping skin well hydrated is key to strengthening its natural barrier. Drinking enough water and applying moisturisers helps prevent dryness and premature skin ageing.

5. Regular dermatological check-up.

Regular visits to the dermatologist allow any skin abnormalities to be detected early. Self-examination is also key to identifying suspicious moles or spots that should require medical evaluation.

6. Healthy food.

A diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals contributes to skin health. Foods such as fruit, vegetables, nuts and fish provide essential nutrients for regeneration and protection.

7. Avoid excessive smoking and alcohol.

Excessive tobacco and alcohol consumption can damage the skin, promoting premature ageing and weakening regeneration.

How can we help you?

Occupational skin cancer is preventable with appropriate protective measures and constant monitoring of working conditions. Education about the risks, with adequate protection use and regular check-ups. These are key to preventing skin cancer in the workplace.

Imagen de prodcuto DERMATEC 50+

DSP Dermal Safety Programme.

PRODERPHARMACARE® products are a safety supplement against occupational skin diseases. This affects workers in the automotive, construction, agriculture, metalworking, and mining industries.

For this reason, we offer our DSP (Dermal Safety Programme) preventive plan to guarantee the dermal integrity of professionals and prevent occupational skin cancer.

Specific protective products.

Producto Proset Dermatec 50+

Proset DERMATEC 50+

Sunscreen UV SPF 50+

Producto Proset Dermapur


Skin repair cream with hyaluronic acid.

Producto Proset Dermasafe


Invisible protective glove.


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